Friday, February 18, 2011

Day One one. I am scared to eat anything. I know they say "3 meals a day, 3 snacks." I am aware that restriction leads to binging. But i feel so crappy right now, I just want a break from food and the stress that comes with consuming calories. So this probably isn't the smartest way to start. I am convinced that my body doesn't like carbs. So i am going to try to be careful with those...I seem to have all the symptoms of a gluten allergy. However, my disgestive system is probably so messed up i have no idea what is wrong with it. I am looking into a therapy center in pittsburgh....we will see how that goes. I still have many hours in the day a head of me. I am coming to terms with the fact that this will get worse before getting better. I am ready to wear baggy pants and be bloated for a month. I am sick of my chimpmunk cheeks and my jaw thrawbing with pain from being abnormally strained by my whole hand in my mouth. Lots of hours left to go in the day.....

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